I was walking through the Plaza when I walked by a blackbird that was sitting amazingly still on the ground. I walked within inches of it and it didn't fly away. My first instinct was that it was somehow injured, and I noticed its beak looked a little crooked and there was blood on its eye. Also when it hopped, its foot dragged on the ground and an awkward angle. Everyone else seemed to be ignoring the bird but I decided to do something about it. I went to Chef's and got a napkin, and after a couple attempts I caught it in my hands. I carried it to the nearby pet store where they proceeded to put it in a box. They then called animal control, which I'm still not sure is a good thing. I have a feeling that they would find it inconvenient to send such an animal to a wildlife center, and instead might kill it. =( In retrospect I could've brought it to my basement where I could take care of it while it's safe from cats, until it healed or I could send it to a proper wildlife center. But at least I did something. Here's some pictures from before I picked it up.
In Calc class we use a program called classroom presenter. The teacher sends a slide to everyone's computer which we can all write our answers on, and then it gets displayed anonymously on the projector. So having extra time on my hands, I draw some random stuff in my slide to.. um.. keep people interested in math! Yeah. Enjoy.