Until today I found the current understanding of teleportation to be disturbing. A copy of you would be made while the original was destroyed and, along with it, possibly your soul or your soul's connection to the universe. But today I have read more about the subject that changed my mind. The destruction of the original is inherent due to laws of quantum mechanics. In order to make the "copy," the "original" has to be destroyed.
This is what I didn't understand before.
I had thought that a copy would be made, and the original destroyed as a convenience in order to prevent problems of two people with the same identity. Clone and kill. Disgusting.
But this is different. Your state is perpetuated, never existing in two places at once, and never ceasing to exist. Just as it would if you were never teleported. I believe the soul travels with this perpetuating state, not with the atoms that comprise it. But I would like there to be a greater understanding of the relationship between the soul and the universe before this is taken as fact.
Scientists of today do not often speak of souls. Instead they have observers. To me, the soul is the observer and it is the single most fundamental aspect of existence. Everything known comes through perception, which is observation. To me, a vivid dream is more real than a distant spiral galaxy.
It is of utmost importance that the soul (or its connection to the universe) be preserved throughout any use of technology. Otherwise, it's not really you coming out the other end. Much like the movie "The Prestige," this has disturbing implications.
This is exactly what I found to be disturbing about teleportation until today. But today I find that the quantum laws that do not allow this information to be copied without being destroyed, nudges my intuition towards the concept of soul as a function of structure state. Here I speak in math terms because they are familiar to me and are analogous to the current situation. The state of the structure of your mind is what determines which particular soul is plugged into it. The output of a function is not ambiguous, it either has 1 value or 0. The soul is determined by the structure of your mind without ambiguity. And the mind perpetuates itself into the next instant in such a way that the same soul is output. This continuity would not be interrupted by a teleportation process that recreates the structure exactly.
A possible test would be teleporting a person and storing their information. Then recreate their structure twice. If both persons have the same soul, my intuition is confirmed.
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